
Manufacturing responsibly to reduce our environmental footprint

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There is no “Planet B”. Decarbonisation, environmental protection and circularity are imperatives for Kem One and the entire industry in order to help preserve a sustainable world, in line with the ‘Paris Agreements’.

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  • Reducing Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030
  • Implementing an environmental policy for water, waste, VOCs, biodiversity and losses of powders and pellets
  • Eco-designing our IT solutions
  • Including a CSR assessment in all our investment requests
  • Setting up an internal carbon fund to direct financing towards a positive impact
  • Having our trajectory towards carbon neutrality validated by scientists (SBTI - Science Based Target Initiative) 

Our 2030 targets

40% reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) compared with 2019

100% of our investments include CSR criteria


Creation of an internal carbon fund


100% of our IT solutions eco-designed


Energy and climate policy-2023 14/08/24 - Document pdf