Strategy & objectives

Being a major European player in the vinyl sector, serving our customers appropriately and relying on the continuous improvement of our expertise and our reliability: these are the ambitions of KEM ONE.

Benefiting from nearly 100 years’ experience in chlorochemicals and more than 70 years in vinyl products, KEM ONE has been chaired since February 2014, by the French Industrialist Alain de Krassny.

Establish ourselves as the leader in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean

Second largest PVC producer in Europe, KEM ONE has solid foundations to approach the future with new ambitions: high-quality industrial equipment, innovative and profitable manufacturing processes and recognised teams and passionate experts.

Bolstered by these achievements and infused with new momentum, we would like to open up new horizons and establish ourselves as a leader throughout Southern Europe and the Mediterranean.

Innovate, so that we can accompany our customers in their pursuit of performance

With this objective in mind, our two divisions chlorochemicals and PVC benefit from a dedicated commercial strategy.

Our efforts are also focused on building an even larger and more innovative downstream sector, creating new vinyl solutions with high added value.